Don’t let bad PR discourage you from visiting the DR!

Dominican Republic flag

The last several months have been difficult for the tourism industry in the Dominican Republic. As many as nine US tourists have died over the last year in the country at its different hotels. This string of deaths (some still unexplained) have gained global attention and many news headlines have been actively discouraging tourists from … Read more

Swing with a view at the top of Montaña Redonda

Empty swing Montana Redonda

Felis augue, dictum nec consectetur quis, elementum eu arcu. Nunc ornare arcu lacus, quis aliquet odio bibendum non. Nam vitae libero mauris. Suspendisse vitae purus ligula. Morbi sed diam eget dolor posuere convallis vel vel nisl. Nulla sagittis efficitur ex, at sodales massa pulvinar a. Nunc quis lacinia eros. Fusce ac ipsum gravida, tristique sed.